Development, technology and innovation
Aedes Killer Trap for controlling adult Aedes aegypti mosquitoes and midges.

What is the project?
Since 2021, the startup Mosquitec, in partnership with the UENF Insect Pathology group, has been carrying out tests in Campos dos Goytacazes (RJ) evaluating the efficiency of Mata Aedes with the fungus Metarhizium anisopliae to reduce populations of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes and midges in homes.

How does Mata Aedes work with fungus to control mosquitoes?
The fungus is placed inside the MataAedes mosquito and releases an odor that is imperceptible to humans but is attractive to adult mosquitoes. The mosquitoes are attracted to the trap, touch the fungus, and become infected and sick. Sick mosquitoes stop biting, stop feeding on blood, reduce egg production, and reduce the transmission of dengue, Zika, and chikungunya. Mosquitoes die within 48 hours of contact with the fungus.

- Scientific proof.
- Triangular shape, looking like a desk calendar.
- Works for 30 days (day and night) killing mosquitoes.
- Disposable and 100% biodegradable.
- Easy to use: just place it on top of a piece of furniture and you'll be killing mosquitoes.
- Over 90% approval in the satisfaction survey.

How does the ovitrap and BG-Sentinel work to monitor mosquitoes?
The ovitrap is made of a black plastic pot with Eucatex straws and water inside. Female Aedes lay eggs in the straws, which makes it possible to monitor the mosquitoes in the studied area. Biogents' BG-Sentinel is the result of more than sixteen years of research. The trap uses an attractant BG-Lure (artificial human skin odor) to capture adult Aedes aegypti mosquitoes and midges.

How does the project work?
Some volunteers receive two types of traps: ovitraps and Aedes mosquito traps with fungus. Other volunteers receive only the ovitrap. The traps are placed inside the homes, on top of a piece of furniture. The goal is to see if homes with Aedes mosquito traps with fungus have fewer mosquito eggs compared to homes without Aedes mosquito traps. A trap called BG-Sentinel is also used in homes to monitor adult Aedes aegypti mosquitoes and Culex mosquitoes.

O que acontece?
The Aedes Mata with fungus kills adult Aedes aegypti mosquitoes inside homes, which stop laying eggs in the ovitraps. In homes without the Aedes Mata, adult mosquitoes are not killed and many eggs are laid in the ovitraps.

Homes with Aedes mosquitoes with fungus show a reduction of more than 80% in the number of Aedes mosquito eggs, compared to controls. These homes also show a reduction in Culex mosquitoes.