We are MosquiTEC
Science and technology for health.

The company MosquiTEC Controle de Mosquitos LTDA (CNPJ 42.602.728/001-33), was founded in 2021 from more than 10 years of research at UENF, showing that traps impregnated with fungus (a natural enemy of insects) were efficient in killing adult Aedes aegypti mosquitoes and common mosquito ( Culex ). Our results were published in high-impact international scientific journals. In 2021, MosquiTEC developed Mata Aedes , a trap that uses fungus to kill Aedes aegypti mosquitoes and common mosquito ( Culex ). MosquiTEC produces and sells Mata Aedes traps.
Our team of researchers
Meet our team of researchers, focused on the development of our products, based on the use of the fungus Metarizium anisopliae .

Graduado em Ciências Biológicas UNIFRAN (2004). Mestre (2007), Doutor (2011), pós doutor (2011 – 2020). Especialista no desenvolvimento de armadilhas impregnadas com fungo entomopatogênico para controle de mosquitos. Fundador da Startup MosquiTec Controle de Mosquitos LTDA.
Scientific Consultant
Bacharel em Zoologia, ênfase em Entomologia (1976) pela Universidade de Durham, Mestre em Entomologia (1982) pela Universidade de Londres (Birkbeck College) e Doutor em Entomologia (1986) pela Universidade de Bath, Inglaterra. Atualmente é Professor Associado 1 na UENF. Pesquisador CNPq nível 1. Cientista Nosso Estado da FAPERJ. Especialista em estudos investigando a eficiência de fungos entomopatogênicos para controle de insetos pragas agrícolas e insetos vetores de doenças.
Graduated in Psychology from Estácio de Sá University (2009). Studying a second degree in Biology at Faculdade Integrada de Arquimedes. Postgraduate in Public Health from Institutos Superiores de Ensino do CENSA (2010). Master's (2015), PhD (2019) and post-doctorate (2019 to 2022) in the area of entomology, UENF. Specialist in the development of traps impregnated with entomopathogenic fungus to control adult mosquitoes.
Sobre nós
Provide well-being and health for people.
Reduce mosquito populations in the environment in an environmentally friendly way.
Innovation, passion for achievement, respect for science and the environment, trust, transparency, integrity, economic, social and environmental sustainability.